• Konami - Metal Gear Rising - Print ad.  The same image was also used for the box art.

    Print ad. The same image was also used for the box art.

  • Konami - Metal Gear Rising - An instore poster, inspired by the posters in butcher's shops.

    An instore poster, inspired by the posters in butcher's shops.

  • We also had a lovely idea of slow-mo footage of a samuri sword cutting everyday items for real. We even had a giant, sword swinging machine built, and shot some test films. But sadly the idea never made it past prototype.

Konami - Metal Gear Rising


Metal Gear Rising - a collaboration between Hideo Kojima and Platinum studios. The game's standout feature was the ability to cut almost anything in two with your sword - including tanks, mech, henchmen... We were asked to create the European launch assets.

For the TV ad, we were limited to an edit of the existing footage, but we did have more scope with the pack / print visual and my favourite execution, a butcher's chart inspired poster.